Breadcrumbs do not appear in Top Pane

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Posted: 1/4/2010
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For a short term fix I would recommend editing the skin file directly.

(Note: I actually got used Artisteer's breadcrumb location ... and liked the way they looked. Visit and go to any of the interior pages.)
Roger Sramkoski

Posted: 1/13/2010
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If you want to move the breadcrumbs to a position where the sidebar will not squish it you'll need to cut everything between
<div class="art-Post">
and its closing tag. As mwoffenden said, this is easily done in Visual Web Developer 2008 Express because when you click to put your cursor inside that tag it will bold its closing tag.

Once you have that cut out, scroll up and make at least one line available immediately under
<dnn:ARTMENU ID="ArtMenu1" ShowHiddenTabs="False" ShowAdminTabs="True" ShowDeletedTabs="False" ShowLoginTab="True" ShowUserTab="True" runat="server" /><div id="TopPane" visible="false" runat="server"></div>
(I personally made three so I had an empty line above and blow the code I moved to help me find it easier for further changes I was making).

Upload your page.ascx file and you'll be set. If you have any questions or I need to clarify please let me know.

Posted: 1/27/2010
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If you click on the Articles in the menu bar, right underneath it is Breadcrumbs, click on the down arrow to the right and choose Show Bread crumbs. From what I've seen they assume whatever formatting you've applied to your Articles.