Vertical menu

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Posted: 4/25/2009
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A vertical oriented menu - to be included on the left or right on a page - would be great.

Posted: 4/27/2009
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I needed that feature too. But, I created an User Control in (ascx page) and dropped it in the left o right side bar. It works fine.

Posted: 4/30/2009
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Yes, a vertical menu option would be a BIG plus.
michael - xorgonix

Posted: 5/1/2009
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Another vote for vertical menus.

Posted: 5/3/2009
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yes... would be great!

Another vote for vertical menus!!

Posted: 5/4/2009
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Yet another vote for vertical menus.


Posted: 5/4/2009
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Yes, I would very much like to see vertical menus. Actually it would be nice if it could include the option to have both a vertical menu as well as a horizontal menu. :-)

Posted: 5/8/2009
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Another vote for vertical menu options. Love the program, though.

Posted: 5/12/2009
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Another vote for vertical menu feature.

Posted: 5/14/2009
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Yes I agree - a vertical menu feature would be "the cream on the cake" of this wonderful piece of software :-)

Posted: 5/19/2009
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another vote for vertical menus even if vertical menus has a more limited depth of pages at first. Most situations that require vertical menus for me only need to go about 2 levels deep
Jason R

Posted: 5/19/2009
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+1 for this idea
Luis K

Posted: 5/20/2009
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Aristeer Team,

you would see many happy people, if you could implement this.
Another vote from me!

Posted: 5/21/2009
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Another vote here!!!

Posted: 5/24/2009
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Add another vote to the tally!

Posted: 5/25/2009
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Vertical menus would be an incredible addition!!!

Posted: 5/27/2009
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And another vote from me!

Posted: 6/17/2009
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Another +1 vote here. Always great to offer more options for layouts :-)

Posted: 6/19/2009
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Another vote here! I'm evaluating using Artisteer for generic XHTML/CSS template generation, and the vertical option is important for me.

Posted: 6/19/2009
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Another vote from me as well!
Michael - xorgonix

Posted: 6/21/2009
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Yes please! And let us select both at the same time too (horiz and vert)!

Posted: 6/22/2009
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+1 for vert and horiz. menus

Posted: 6/25/2009
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Puleeze add a vertical menu in your next version..
Thank you, thank you thank you!

Posted: 7/1/2009
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I just downloaded the 2.2 beta and still don't see vertical menus. Is it in the new beta or not? I just wasn't sure if it was there already, but I couldn't find it. Did Artisteer add it yet? It seems like many people want this feature. Has Artisteer comments anywhere that they will be adding this and maybe when?

Posted: 7/3/2009
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Another vote for the vertical menu option.

Posted: 7/4/2009
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Vertical menu .
This would be very good!


Posted: 7/10/2009
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Posted: 7/18/2009
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I've bought Artisteer Standard after some testing. I had not checked the ability for vertical menus before, and now I can't use the software for my project because I cannot create graphical vertical menus. This is essential and most websites use vertical menus.

When will this feature be added?


Posted: 7/20/2009
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Repeating the wish of my pre-poster...
I've bought Artisteer Standard after some testing. I had not checked the ability for vertical menus before, and now I can't use the software for my project because I cannot create graphical vertical menus. This is essential and most websites use vertical menus.

When will this feature be added?


Posted: 7/20/2009
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Yes, vertical menu's please!
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