Width = Fluid

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Posted: 4/7/2009
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Hello, is this functionality WIDTH = Fluid possible on artisteer 2.0

Posted: 4/7/2009
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WTB Fluid pls...........

Posted: 4/7/2009
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WTB Fluid pls...........
cube Cherno

Posted: 4/8/2009
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as far as I know, this feature is not yet included :-(

S Dawkins

Posted: 4/8/2009
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Its not available yet, but there are many asking, so here is hoping they do add it :)

Posted: 6/12/2009
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That is what i really miss: creating templates with dynamic width.

Posted: 6/13/2009
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Would love that too
dynamic width!

Posted: 6/14/2009
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just, I'm agree

Posted: 6/16/2009
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+1 Hope this function will be add soon

Posted: 6/17/2009
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Posted: 6/19/2009
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ME too. And why is it not in 2.2.. :(
Ozzie Levesque

Posted: 6/19/2009
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Hate to complain about a GREAT product...but ME TOO!

Posted: 6/23/2009
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Me too - this is the "only missing link" here.....:-)

Posted: 6/23/2009
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Me too. Fluid please.


Posted: 6/25/2009
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Fluid please

Posted: 6/25/2009
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Yeah I would buy this if they had fluid...


Posted: 6/25/2009
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Would also love to see fluid.....

Posted: 6/25/2009
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I see the width does not adapt automatically to screen resolution...

Is there a way to do so ?
what do we have to modify ?

Posted: 6/28/2009
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Yes Gentlemen, Fluid width would be a great improvement to a great product. 8-)

Posted: 6/28/2009
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for sure !!!
I created a demo for my website, tested it but found out this major problem (to me)
i'm lucky i didn't buy it before

Posted: 7/26/2009
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+ 1 more. I too was about to purchase but tested a trial version and discovered no fluid width ability. Actually I was very surprised it didn't already have this, it's such a must-have feature for me - it's a real pet hate of mine to keep visiting sites with large "margins" left and right and content running down the middle in a long strip. Use all of the screen real estate I say. Everybody's screens and resolutions are getting larger and wider, without fluid width it's too hard to design a site for so many variable resolutions.
Zac Gowen

Posted: 8/16/2009
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I'd like this to.

Posted: 8/16/2009
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I would seriously like it too. I was planning to use this tool for a number of sites and after purchasing it, I realized too late it doesn't have it...

Posted: 8/17/2009
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From http://www.artisteer.com/?p=news

"Other news:

* We are finalizing Blogger support for August/September release.
* Our main long term focus is supporting fluid layouts and custom layout definitions. ETA cannot be predicted due to the complexity of this task."

The Artisteer team is well aware of this and are working on it. Don't forget, the templates/themes generated are NOT just for one CMS, etc. but for SEVEN as of 2.2! A LOT of work to make it work with all of them :)

I, for one, can be patient as I am not that big of a fan of 100% fluid layouts; I like portions that are fluid (such as a header area and/or background, etc. and that I can usually tweak myself. User-defined module positions and multiple menu positions are higher on my personal "wish list" :)



Posted: 8/26/2009
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I assume that artisteer still does not support fluid width.

All width I set in Layout Section is exactly as set - and it does not depend on the resolution or screen I use....

Hope that point is a very high priority on your roadmap.

Posted: 8/28/2009
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fluid = great feature!
Rob S.

Posted: 8/31/2009
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:-) It's an allmost Perfect tool . . . only missing is fluid width.

Posted: 9/4/2009
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:-) width fluidity and more module positions please - appreciate the work thats been done so far - everyone should buy this program simply to ensure that it continues to develop!

Posted: 9/4/2009
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I don't understand why you all cry for fluid width. How would you expect a website to look good on both a 1024 px AND on a 1920 px screen? That is not possible. Your website would look ugly, unprofessional, and extremely useless on HD screens.

Just my 2 cents

Posted: 9/7/2009
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as surprised as everybody else here, a feature that is a MUST have as of today. Fluidity is out in market for a long time and it just depends on what kind of web-project is being realized (sorry disagree FluidNot) but certainly it is a matter of "gusto" ...

PLEASE add this feature soon in order for me to join on that software!

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