Horizontal top menu

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Posted: 5/26/2009
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Thanks for this...worked like a charm :-)

Posted: 5/30/2009
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Hi, Your Web Pros

I know that user3 is a good position to put menu, I have a ready made menu

and put it into user3 position, instead of displaying an horizontal menu, it

displays a vertical menu, what should I do to make it horizontal? Thanks.


Posted: 5/31/2009
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You can assign float and clear CSS property to LI divs to align your menu horizontally.

Posted: 6/5/2009
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Posted: 6/16/2011
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Quote David:

I'm am new to using Artisteer so I may be missing something simple. I have created a Joomla template with a horizontal top menu with dropdown links. I have setup a new site running Joomla 1.5.10. I have installed without any content ready to build a fresh site. The first thing I've done is install my template and set it as the default for the site. Looking great so far.

Now I hit my problem. In the module manager I have one module "mainmenu" which is set to the left position by default. Following the Artisteer user manual instructions, "3. Multilevel Menu in Joomla" on page 24/25, I have changed the position of mainmenu to "user3" and set "Always show sub-menu items" to yes. When I save my changes and preview my site the menu is gone from the left position but does not show in the top position "user3".

Am I missing something? Can anyone suggest what I need to do to get my top menu working?

I have designed a template by Artiteer, but missing the main menu that i designed with the template. I'm willing to follow some of the above, but that topic seem to be old, 2009.

anyone there, please help.



Posted: 6/17/2011
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@ Chol

You should read following instructions: http://www.artisteer.com/?p=help_joomla#joomla4

Posted: 6/29/2011
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one question ?
submenu go to right.
how i can set get to left

Posted: 7/13/2011
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I use a multi-level topmenu over te full lenght of my template.
All the submenu's are folding to the right.

My problem is that the most right submenus are falling outside the template. They are not vissible.....

Does anybody know a solution for my problem?
(sorry for my english ;-)