Titles all caps, can't change

Author Message
Nathaniel Dame

Posted: 6/1/2009
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My titles ("article titles" to be precise) appear as though they are "All Caps" but I've un-selected every "All Caps" option I can find. Why aren't they changing?

Posted: 6/2/2009
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It seems like CSS capatalize property is applied to your titles. You may like to post your website address here, I'll suggest you a css edit on having URL

Posted: 6/2/2009
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Add the following code to your style.css , make sure it does not affect any other tables.

tbody { border-top:none; }


Posted: 6/2/2009
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Sorry, I posted in the wrong topic. This was meant to go in to remove the top line on the user regions.

Ethan White

Posted: 6/22/2009
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Just an update. I ran into the same problem and emailed support. It turned out it was a bug and they are planning on fixing it in the next release. Until then the css edit is the only fix.

Posted: 7/6/2009
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I have the same problem with Wordpress export, will wait for the fix

Posted: 7/6/2009
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Quote Guy:

I have the same problem with Wordpress export, will wait for the fix

Are you on wordpress

You may like to post your website URL here