I bought it and nothing shows up in my design panel after I upload it

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L. Lee

Posted: 10/23/2008
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I exported it for WP, zipped the files, uploaded it to my themes and it is not showing in the design panel in WP after I unzip it. I just used one of the default templates to check this part out first.
What am I doing wrong?
I do get a no style sheet error, but I checked all the files and they all look there to me.

Marc Smith

Posted: 11/12/2008
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That is the default template that comes with Wordpress.

If you don't go and activate the design within Wordpress, you'll never see it.

Posted: 11/12/2008
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no not that. I mean I activate the theme I uploaded. I just reverted it back to the default. go look at my site now http://www.mugsofbeer.com and you'll see what I mean.
Marc Smith

Posted: 11/12/2008
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It looks like all the image files and CSS file might not be there.

What files and folders are you uploading? What version of Wordpress is this?

Posted: 11/12/2008
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that's how I'm doing it. I have a folder called beer. Then I export the wp template into the beer folder, then upload that into the themes folder on my blog.*pause* and update I changed my ftp transfer mode to Binary. I'm such a dummy. everythings perfect now. check out http://snookeraccessories.com and mugsofbeer.com if you'd like. Thanks for all the help. :-)