Menu-items hover bg-color transition and Menu expand on click

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Posted: 9/22/2017
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Quote Nikrk:

Hi there!

I've been editing a website lately but I stumbled upon two issues:

- I can't get thebackground-color of items, when hovering in dropdown menu, to fade in with a transition. Check out the image below to see what I mean:

[img src="" width="30%"]

I've already tried:

art-hmenu li li a:hover, .art-hmenu li li:hover a

transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out 0s;

The above only gives a transition to the font, but not the background-color. :-(

Does anyone have any code to make this possible? You'd help me out a lot.

- The second thing is, how to change dropdown menu expanding when clicking instead of hovering?

Thanks in advance for all the assistance.

To add to the hover effect on the dropdown menu, this is what I mean: 'landscapingtoronto. ca'
When navigating through dropdown menu, the green bg-color in dropdown menu shows with a transition. This effect is whay I'm looking for.