Logo link does NOT work in 3.5.0

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Ian Shere

Posted: 3/23/2016
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In the past, adding a logo to the header then editing the code in index.php to point that image at the home page - for example -

<a href="" class="art-logo art-logo-1532073060">
<img src="<?php echo $templateUrl; ?>/images/logo-1532073060.png" alt="" /></a>

no longer works. All that happens now is the page name (About, Contact, etc) is added to the end and clicking the logo goes nowhere.

Artisteer's reply, "We don't support 3.5.0 yet". Wow thanks.

Ian Shere

Posted: 3/23/2016
Quote message 

I have just found, though, that using the absolute URL WILL work, just "" doesn't. So you will need to enter "http://www.domainname.com"