Troubleshooting Web Site

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Dave Hambly

Posted: 1/11/2016
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I have been asked to do some work on a friends website, and I am having trouble achieving two things.

One is to make some changes to the header - basically to remove the Facebook and Yahoo Groups. I cannot find where the header lives to edit it :(

The other issue is that all the tabs on the navigation menu glow yellow on hover - except those with a sub menu (Equipment and Contact) - does anyone have an idea how to fix this?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Kind regards,

James G.

Posted: 1/12/2016
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To remove facebook and yahoo.

.art-logo-945539642 {display:none!important;}
.art-textblock-804638869 {display:none!important;}

To change color for hover on nav bar (around line 742 in css file)>li>a:hover, .desktop>li:hover>a {