Removing background image without removing featured image

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Posted: 11/19/2015
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Hi guys, <BR><BR>

I currently have a theme on my blog (Cubic) that has an image from each page on the home screen, see here: <BR><BR>

I've been looking at other themes (i.e. Adirondack), and found some really good ones, but lots of them only let you have the image on the home page if it's set as a featured image. <BR><BR>

This is fine in principle, but it also sets the featured image as a huge header image or background image. As I only usually have one image per post, it looks a bit strange to have it twice in one small article. <BR><BR>

I try to add something to the CSS editor to stop background images or header images appearing on any page but it doesn't seem to work for some reason. <BR><BR>

I want to be able to have the image on the home screen but remove the massive image at the top, without removing the featured image. Any thoughts? <BR><BR>

Thanks a lot,<BR>