Header Search Bar

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Posted: 2/17/2015
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All the CSS edits, you can place them in the artx file as well, so when you re export the theme you don't have to apply them to the new exported theme. Anyway, that's not what you asked for.

To remove ALL search boxes with CSS, which means header, sidebars etc...

.art-search {
display: none !important;

However you only wanted to remove the search box in the header, and the code for that will vary for each theme: Given the info. above you will need this code:

.art-object227400126 {
display: none !important;

That's it. However, in the future, any css additions you do to the exported theme, you should replicate that in the artx file as well (export options, Additional CSS), so you can go back and export the theme again when needed.