divide the contnt into columns

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Posted: 11/11/2014
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is there a way to divide the content area of one of the pages into columns?
(other than using tables).


Posted: 11/12/2014
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There are various ways to do this using plugins. Page Builder by Site Origin will open the door to a whole range of possibilities for layout of any given page.

If you add tuxedo from wp-themcity.com you can set the archive pages to mufti-column

Posted: 11/14/2014
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I wrap everithing in template file in new class, then just use: display:inline-block; margin and paddings. In responsive CSS for different media queries needs to be put width in %, to not get much empty space at the right of columns. 50 % some midlle width and 100% smalest width.

So simple. I used to complicate before and make hell of it, but it is so simple.

if you need columns for different categories use custom template. What fits one category and content doesnt automatically fit others.