Sticky Menu

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Posted: 10/14/2014
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I am trying to find how to create my menu as a sticky menu once scrolled at 250-30px
So far there is no Wordpress-plugin that has been useful so the only option is to create this with Atisteer. I need some help on this. Thank you.
Note that my menu is below my header.

Posted: 10/15/2014
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I have had some success with this one

Sticky Menu (or Anything!) on Scroll

I needed to put a background to the menu as transparancy was not helpful

Posted: 10/16/2014
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Sorry to hijack this post, but I have noticed that he example that Philip provided is kinda of what I am trying to do. Specifically the left hand nav i.e. where there isn't a text box, the background picture should show through. Philip, can you tell me how you did this?