Vertical Menu formats all menu items like submenus

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Serena Howlett

Posted: 4/4/2014
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I love this program, but it makes me want to pull all my hair out sometimes. Because there's no option for more than one menu in WP and because I have too many pages for just one menu, (it kept crashing on me and not maintaining hierarchy when there were too many items.) I created a subdomain for one part of the site, or section or group of pages, whatever I should call it. I have a subdomain with only about 10 pages, though I'll be adding submenu pages over time. I'm using the same theme as on the main site, because I want it to look and feel like one site. But the vertical menu that format exactly the way I want it on the main site shows all of the pages as if they were submenu items. They are all top level pages, not under anything, and added to the menu as top level pages, but they don't have the coloring, shaping or gradients that top level menu items are supposed to have, they're all formatted like submenu items. Any ideas about what could be causing this? I've redone the theme and changed them very specifically to be formatted with active item in green (which is the one part that displays correctly) and the passive items should all be lavender with individual gradients, but instead they're all dark gray, the color submenu passive items should be, and they have no gradient shaping. The regular horizontal menu displays correctly, at least as far as I've noticed. What can I do to make the vertical menu do the same?

URL is: http://www.instruments.

Posted: 4/4/2014
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OK, I figured this one out myself and I'm answering just in case someone else runs into it/ In WP, for some reason I had set the vertical menu placement in the primary sidebar as a "custom menu" instead of a "vertical menu." Not sure why this made the difference, but as soon as I added the vertical menu in (leaving the custom menu there for comparison) it was clearly formatted correctly and the other one wasn't. Yeah! Problem solved. Wish they were all this easy. :-P