Add better IE support for v4 and improve website export.

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Posted: 3/14/2013
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Hi Artisteer,

Please include PIE in the HTML 5 layout and provide better support for IE8 (& IE7). You're still talking about a huge portion of web traffic.

In a website export, PLEASE put the JS in a js folder and the CSS in a css folder. It is standard to separate these files from the site pages.

Please make the rename the script.js file to something less generic and more specific to the output like template_script.js or just template.js. I had a file named mysite.script.js and your code triggered on that.

LASTLY, please make the code less location specific. I should be able to move the css and js files to wherever, include them, and have it work. Instead of getting the script file with jQuery, get the stylesheet url. The image path will be expressed relative to that file. Then, with a little regex, get the image location and file name (so I can change images without having to output an entire template). :-(
Brett thomas

Posted: 3/15/2013
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Ok, I agree with at least the IE8 traffic part. Even tho IE 6 and 7 are still in place, doesn't mean anyone should support them anymore. As far as IE 8 goes, the argument could be placed that, in fact, IE8 is no longer considered safe, and therefore not supported. However, a nice little css file for redirects would be nice.

For my Joomla files in export to zip I have a lovely CSS file for my CSS, so my Java is separate. With some minor coding, you can easily adjust this to your liking.

I'm pretty peculiar about my script files, because *sigh* they tend to get overwritten by other programs with generic jscript names. Anything I am really concerned about i rename so that doesn't happen :P

Lastly.... each particular CMS has a tendency to want its CSS and java files right where Artisteer puts them. It's one of the reasons I tend to use the program so I don't have to go scrambling around looking for code source because I know where it gets sent.

I'm pretty sure I sound like an arse, but it's been a long day, and I am still searching for my answer in this blasted forum about why IE8 pages look so crappy, and I've already answered myself here which is even more frustrating. Please excuse me for being coarse if I sounded that way.