IE 8 and IE 9 .. Problem with Imagemap and stupid border

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Posted: 9/14/2012
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Sreenshot explains everything...

Maybe source code of this imagemap will be helpfull .
<td valign="top"> <img src="" alt="" width="250" height="146" usemap="#imgmap2012911195117" /> <map id="imgmap2012911195117" name="imgmap2012911195117"> <area title="" shape="rect" coords="14,19,182,47" href="http://mysite.comkanc/?page_id=742" alt="" target="" /> <area title="" shape="rect" coords="16,64,212,85" href="" alt="" target="" /> <area title="" shape="rect" coords="17,97,221,119" alt="" target="" /></map></td> <img src="http://mysite.comkanc/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/wiedza3kroki.png" alt="" width="250" height="143" />

Come on guys fix this... a lot people still use IE 8 and IE 9 but I know that is s..t....
But my clients makes problem.