Cannot access protected property ContentViewArticle::$params

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Posted: 4/22/2012
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I've created a simple 2 colom template. As long as you choose items on the vertical menu everything works fine but as soon as you click on a link in one of the blog articles to go to another article I get the next error message.

Fatal error: Cannot access protected property ContentViewArticle::$params in /home/..../public_html/jupgrade/templates/test/functions.php on line 174

Here's the code from line 169 to 177.

	function artxPageTitle($page, $criteria = null, $key = null)  	{  		if ($criteria === null)  			$criteria = $page->params->def('show_page_title', 1);  		return $criteria  			? ('<span class="componentheading' . $page->params->get('pageclass_sfx') . '">'  				. $page->escape($page->params->get($key === null ? 'page_title' : $key)) . '</span>')  			: '';  	}

On the joomla forum I found the following http:// but all it does is change the error from line 174 to 175. So it looks like I'm on the right track but I'm still missing something.

I'm using joomla 2.5.4 and artisteer and get this error on both a new template and an upgraded template.

Posted: 4/26/2012
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Did you try reverting back to default Joomla template for testing

Posted: 4/28/2012
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Apparently you need artisteer 3.1 to work for Joomla 2.5.4. Upgraded and transfered my old templates and almost everything works.