Obtain two different art-block styles in the same template

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Posted: 11/27/2011
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It would be nice to duplicate the style of the art-block, changing only the colours of the block itself, assign a new name style like art-block2, and use it on some module (for example in a mod_custom content, typing "art-block2" in "suffix css class" ) to display it like the default art-block, but with a different colour.
I've tried to obtain two art-block styles from two Artisteer generated templates and adjust and merge the css codes in the template css files, but nothing happens: the content is showed with a sort of "art-nostyle" feature.
If the program had this feature inside it would be a cool stuff.
Artisteer Team

Posted: 5/15/2014
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Hi Julie,
the main idea is right - you need different style for the specific code block.
And yes, you need to specify it manually. However you may create new Artisteer project where design the block style you like. After exporting the project you may just copy the style CSS code from the style.css file and paste it into your initial .css file