Theme Options: What does Excerpt balance do?

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Posted: 8/18/2011
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Can't really figure it out, and I don't think it's part of any other WordPress themes...
What is excerpt balance?

Posted: 8/19/2011
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Quote Clippy:

Theme Options in your exported WordPress theme - there are several handy excerpt options, and one weird one!

I found it eventually. Still puzzled though how to control whether a post shows the manual excerpt instead of a generated one. My first themes did (made with 2.5.i) but the new ones I've made with 3.0.4 don't - they just ignore the checkbox.

I've resorted to the 'more' tag but you don't always want to start a post with a summary


Posted: 5/25/2015
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:-) Thank you for explaining Excerpt Balance.