Postback only works once with asp:UpdatePanel

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Tim Blanch

Posted: 4/28/2011
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I'm new to Artisteer but I don't think that is my problem.
I am using Standard Edition
and DNN 5.06.02

I have a simple module that has just one page view.aspx.
On that page I have a asp:dropdownlist and a asp:gridview
both are nested inside an asp:updatepanel and contenttemplate.
When you change the dropdownlist it querys the database and displays the results in the gridview.
Now all works fine using the default skin MinExtropy but when I use an exported skin from Artisteer the postback only works once.
If I remove the update panel and contenttemplate it works fine with either skin but I don't consider that as a solution.

Any ideas??

Steven Webster

Posted: 4/29/2011
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Have you tried leaving the update panel out and setting the module control properties to support partial rendering? DNN will handle the AJAX request for you without the need for the update panel at all.


Posted: 5/1/2011
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Thanks for the reply Steven,
I tried what you suggested and I still get the same results, postback only works once.