Header not appearing in container

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Posted: 12/14/2009
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I am unable to get a DNN template created in Artisteer that will display the header/title in the header of a content block. The template that was created included a Block Style that included a header. It appears fine in Artisteer, but when viewed in DNN the header block is blank. Am I missing something?

Posted: 4/20/2011
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Using Version 3 RC
I have this same issue. The "Head" text is invisble for the Block containers. Searching for the text on the page finds nothing, however it is there in the source code just like you'd expect.

Posted: 7/9/2012
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This occurs with Blocks and not Article modules on dnn sites....

fix is to unzip the Artisteer output and paste this code:

<dnn:TITLE id="dnnTitle" runat="server" />

into the block.ascx file where you see this:

"<div class="art-box art-block">
<div class="art-box-body art-block-body">

<div class="art-bar art-blockheader">
<h3 class="t"><dnn:TITLE id="dnnTitle" runat="server" /></h3>
<div class="art-box art-blockcontent">
<div class="art-box-body art-blockcontent-body">

<div id="ContentPane" runat="server"></div>"

then zip it back up and install. works perfectly (if you can call such a strange work around perfect!