Need to add logo just above the header image, toward the right.

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Posted: 11/19/2009
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Need to add the company logo on top of the header (in the vertial offset space), positioned towards the right.

How to add this image ?

Posted: 11/19/2009
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Posted: 11/20/2009
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You can add your logo as foreground image going header->foreground image in Artisteer.
Valics Lehel

Posted: 11/26/2009
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Yes, but will become the same image with background.
The best way is to leave HEADER TEXT and in CSS add this, of course with correct data., a, a:link, a:visited, a:hover
width: 355px; height: 80px;
background: url(../../images/logo.png) no-repeat;
text-indent: -9999px;
chris Powers

Posted: 12/23/2009
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Another alternative is to look at my website, the jester is "popping out" of the header.

I dropped the offset to 100px, took a screen capture of the background where the header was, moved the sheet back to 0px and then went to photoshop.

In photoshop, my header was 150 in height. I changed it to 250 in height then pasted the background into the photoshop file...and then saved out the jester and header into a png or jpg...

added the new header with a height of 250 and now it looks like I have my jester popping out of the header but that's just the background.

The only problem is, I didn't want to spend a lot of time in photoshop so I took off the shadows and borders on the sheet to make it easy edit. If you use shadows, you can, just spend more time in photoshop.

See the website for was very easy the way I did it...