Module not resizing into block correctly.

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Posted: 3/23/2009
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Hello everyone,

I just discovered this product today, and Joomla about 3 days ago, so no i have not bought it yet, still using the demo.

I found that when I upload to my server, one of my mods i have installed is not resizing correctly. all others are, but this one does not, and it works in all the default and other templates i have downloaded from the net.

The Module I am having issues with is the second down in the first column, titled Kinship Recruitment.

Any help with this would be great, I have not been able to find anything on it, maybe I am searching with the incorrect terms?

Posted: 3/24/2009
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Oh yes, sorry I forgot,

the test site is locate at

and what is happeneing is it looks like the block is just not resizing the html from the mod correctly.. thanks again

Posted: 3/24/2009
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Thanks I will try that.

Also the mod works with every template I have found from the web, so am pretty sure it is not the mods fault.

Tried it, no dice. Could it possibly have something to do with the overflow:hidden?

sorry I know virtually nothing when it cmes to CSS.

Posted: 3/24/2009
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No Worries ;)

email me the module in zip format. To tony @

I will take a look.


Posted: 3/24/2009
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E-mail sent.

Thanks much for the help.

Anything you can do is greatly appreaciated.