Background Images In Blocks and Articles

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Posted: 3/14/2009
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Is there any way, at present, to add background images to blocks and articles?

I'm using version 2 . . .

Brett Bumeter

Posted: 3/16/2009
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Not that I have seen in any of the versions yet, but you might be able to add something in the css after the fact.

Sounds like a feature request. :)

Posted: 3/17/2009
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the articles background is built from four images
Post-v.png, Post-s.png, Post-h.png, Post-c.png
which are used in .Post-cl, .Post-bc, .Post-cr, .Post-cc classes in Style.css file. So you can replace the .png files with custom ones, and/or modify relevant CSS classes.
Hope it helps.