Future request: Getting out of boxes...

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Amy C

Posted: 2/10/2009
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It appears that blocks in the sidebar have to be in boxes of some type (individually) or in nothing at all. If I am correct, you can't just delineate the sidebars with a solid color different from the middle (in the case of 3 column blogs) or be able to drop a vertical line to delineate the center from the sidebars.

Am I missing something or are we able to have a 3 column blog with a vertical line separating the sidebars from the middle, but all the same color, that would be okay.

Posted: 2/11/2009
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Hello Amy C,
it looks you're right. Moreover the borders are created as image files (e.g. images/Post-v.png), not via css code.
However more flexible borders is a good idea for "Feature Ideas & Suggestions" section.