Addtional pages in same template

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Tom Campbell

Posted: 1/27/2009
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I want to create Contact, Privacy Policy, and About pages as part of my WordPress template. Is that possible?
Marc Smith

Posted: 1/27/2009
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You mean, separate pages outside of Wordpress?


You can create those pages inside Wordpress and not have to muck with once ounce of code to do it.
Tom Campbell

Posted: 1/27/2009
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I want the WordPress pages (as opposed to posts) to be generated automatically so that the user can just fill in the blanks. Since About, Contact, Privacy Policy and so on are standard parts of every site, I'd like to remove some of the decisions the user has to make (and therefore reduce the chances of error).

Posted: 1/28/2009
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There is at least one widget that I know of that will take WP pages and cache them, making them static HTML. Don't remember the name though, try searching "cache" on the WP Widget Directory.