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Posted: 1/16/2009
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Posts containing comments do not show comments and comments box, only "2 comments >>", which when clicked on, expands to show comments, trackbacks, etc. How do I get the comments section to stay expanded so readers can see the comments? I have Allow comments on this post
Allow trackbacks and pingbacks on this post turned on in Discussion.

Comments are collapsed and I don't want them to be. I checked on and many other people have the same problem but no fix. Is it a template issue?
Marc Smith

Posted: 1/18/2009
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If this is an issue that is being tracked on and their forums... and not associated with an Artisteer template, then I am guessing it is an issue in Wordpress.

Do you see the same thing if you use the default Wordpress template? If so, then you know it's Wordpress.

Posted: 1/19/2009
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The issue does not seem to be related to Artisteer.

It is more likely to be caused by a plugin. Do you have some plugin installed in WP to control comments?