Edit CSS

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Mark Price

Posted: 1/8/2009
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I have created a theme for Wordpress and am overall satisfied with it. However I just want to edit the CSS to change line spaceing for LI entries in the sidebar. I know I can edit the css file after exporting but then I lose the changes if I make a different change in Artisteer later.

Is there a way to edit the CSS code or otherwise change spacing of a particular element in Artisteer?

Posted: 1/8/2009
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Mark, You may be able to add your own LI line height to the core css file at:

C:\Program Files\Artisteer\Library\Data\Templates\WordPress\Common\Files\style.css

It worked for me for changing all the author info for the very same reason but I am not sure about what you are trying to do.
Marc Smith

Posted: 1/9/2009
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Here are three eidts I've added to the

C:\Program Files\Artisteer\Library\Data\Templates\WordPress\Common\Files\style.css

padding-bottom: 15px;

This adds spacing below all list items. Adjust the 15px value to your liking. this should be added just below the 'body' tag in the css file.

text-decoration: none;
clear: both;

This fixes the issue where the "metadata" (the info that appears after a post, such as date.time.author.comments.etc) does not fit 'below' the post. this happens when you have a picture inside your post. This should be located below the block content tag.

padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px

This adds padding around all images so that text does not press right against a picture. this should appear just below the first "body" tag.

If you add these to the file listed above, it will translate to EVERY template you make in Artisteer. it will NOT apply to exports done for HTML.

If you choose to edit this file, be SURE you make a back up of the file FIRST