Artisteer themes+adbrite fullpage ads = not working

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Posted: 1/3/2009
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Well, I purchased your software, and it's worked fine, but now when I try to add a full-page adbrite advertisement script to my website, the background color for the blog disappears. It works fine with the default theme because the background i just a bunch of images, but I would really like it to work with my theme.<br>
I added it using the Text widget.<br>
This is the script:<br>
&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot; src=&quot;;br=1&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
I'd appreciate any help. Thanks.


Posted: 1/3/2009
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Huh, preview provide false info hmf Here's the actual code

<script type="text/javascript" src="></script>
Marc Smith

Posted: 1/6/2009
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Is this aded to a Wordpress theme? An HTML theme?

Do you have an URL where someone can see the problem?

More than likely, you are calling a script that includes a PHP file with it's own CSS style in the file and that is causing the site to look incorrect.